Sunday, 24 February 2013

Welcome to our food based travel blog!

We love to travel and we love to eat (as can be seen from my bulging gut and extra chin), however, our current financial situation means that we cannot indulge in the first of these. 
We had the idea that if we can't literally travel the world at the moment, then we can at least try and experience some of it through food.
So, what if we ate our way around the world instead, from the comfort of our own kitchen.
We'd talked about expanding our culinary reportoire for a while - if only to stop me eating so many chips!
So yesterday we decided that, using a list taken from the UN website, we are going to prepare and eat recipes throughout the year from 196 countries around the world (the list only contains countries that had a population of 100,000 or more in 2010).
As we make our way around the world we will post recipes and photos of the results.
We'd love to hear suggestions from natives/residents of the countries that we are eating from.

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